
Numerical simulations in NMR using SIMPSON

The link to the github repo is: SIMPSON

The simulation files are mainly guides. Modify them as you feel like and if there are some errors, please let me know. Please note that I am not responsible if they do not work as intended. Please follow courses or tutorials posted on the SIMPSON website.

INANO website

Four publications that may be helpful are:

  1. Bak, Mads, Jimmy T. Rasmussen, and Niels Chr Nielsen. ‘SIMPSON: A General Simulation Program for Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy’. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 147, no. 2 (December 2000): 296–330.

  2. Juhl, Dennis W., Zdeněk Tošner, and Thomas Vosegaard. ‘Versatile NMR Simulations Using SIMPSON’. In Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy, 100:1–59. Elsevier, 2020.

  3. Tošner, Zdeněk, Rasmus Andersen, Baltzar Stevensson, Mattias Edén, Niels Chr Nielsen, and Thomas Vosegaard. ‘Computer-Intensive Simulation of Solid-State NMR Experiments Using SIMPSON’. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 246 (September 2014): 79–93.

  4. Vosegaard, Thomas, Anders Malmendal, and Niels C Nielsen. ‘The Flexibility of SIMPSON and SIMMOL for Numerical Simulations in Solid-and Liquid-State NMR Spectroscopy’. Monatshefte f?R Chemie / Chemical Monthly 133, no. 12 (1 December 2002): 1555–74.

More simulation files will be added in due course.

Homonuclear Recoupling

The recoupling sequence that have been implemented are:

  1. S3

  2. [S3] - Bracketed S3

  3. SR26

  4. POST C7

  5. R-sequence: Flexible N, n, and $\nu$

  6. BABA

  7. $SW_f$-BABA

  1. Nakai, T., and C. A. Mcdowell. J. Magn. Reson. 104 (1993) 146

  2. Cadars et al. J. Phys. Chem. B. 110 (2006) 16982." \

It does not include relaxation, but it can be added as Lorentzian broadening or during plotting.


There are two variants of RESPDOR in the repository.

  1. R-RESPDOR: Gan, Z. Chem. Commun. 2006, No. 45, 4712–4714.

  2. S-RESPDOR: Lu, X.; Lafon, O.; Trébosc, J.; Amoureux, J.-P. J. Mag. Reson. 2012, 215, 34–49.


Jaroniec, C. P.; Filip, C.; Griffin, R. G. 3D TEDOR NMR Experiments for the Simultaneous Measurement of Multiple Carbon−Nitrogen Distances in Uniformly 13 C, 15 N-Labeled Solids. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2002, 124 (36), 10728–10742.

Heteronuclear Decoupling

If you want to just run one sequence, you can modify the code in the following manner:

foreach dectype [list cw tppm swftppm spinal64 xix rcw]

foreach dectype [list tppm]

In this example, it will just do tppm instead of all the sequences.

Quadrupolar NMR

One can compare between the direct excitation and the CP spectrum if needed.

Third Spin Assisted Recoupling

  • Lewandowski, J. R. et al. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009, 131 (16), 5769–5776.

  • De Paëpe, G. et. al. Journal of Chemical Physics 2008, 129 (24), 245101.

  • Paul, S. et. al. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy; 2015; Vol. 85, pp 93–142.

The files uses acq_block and block diagonalisation to speed up the simulation. The spin system is derived from the xyz coordinates of L-Alanine.

  • Giffard, Mathilde, et. al. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : PCCP 14, no. 20 (May 2012): 7246–55.

Cross Polarisation

Homonuclear Decoupling

The file 📜can be used to simulate windowed PMLG sequence decoupling. The two decoupling sequences demonstrated here are wPMLGmmbar and wPMLGppbar. More details about these sequences can be found in the paper:

  • Leskes, Michal, et al. ‘Proton Line Narrowing in Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: New Insights from Windowed Phase-Modulated Lee-Goldburg Sequence.’ JCP 125 (2006) 124506.

  • Leskes, Michal et al. ‘Supercycled Homonuclear Dipolar Decoupling in Solid-State NMR: Toward Cleaner H1 Spectrum and Higher Spinning Rates’. JCP 128(2008) 052309.

Last updated